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St. Joseph's Parish

Welcome to the Catholic Community of St. Joseph's Parish



                             Our mission is to Serve God

                                                  and to

                      Welcome ALL People to God's Love! 

                               We welcome ALL who would like to

                        join us for Mass or upcoming events.

               See our Mass Schedule below, or, visit our Calendar tab above.

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St Paul's  color cropped recd 11-4-2021.jpg


3159 Route 9N, Greenfield Center, NY  12833


771 Route 29, Rock City Falls, NY  12863

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St. Paul's Altar GREEN Ordinary Time CROPPED OUT POINSETTIAS on 6-5-24 20240605_153127.jpg


You can Register Your Child for

Faith Formation Classes!

Just click on the Faith Formation tab above

to find the forms you need! It's that easy!

We can't wait to see your child,

a Gift from God,

participate in our faith filled & fun

classes this year!

Faith Formation K-9 Registration 2024-2025 Announement.JPG

Go to the

What's New tab above for more information

 about the picnic!

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Mass Schedule and

> Access This Week's Readings

> View Previously Recorded Masses

> Pray the Holy Rosary Together

Mass Times Effective January 1, 2023:

Saturday, 4:00 pm, St. Joseph’s Greenfield Center

Sunday, 10:30 am, St Joseph's Greenfield Center

Sunday, 12:30 pm, St. Paul's Rock City Falls

Mass Schedule Weekdays:

Wednesday: 9:00 am St. Joseph's

Second Monday of the month: 9:00 am St. Paul's

Note: Weekday Mass concludes with Morning Devotion and Morning Prayer for those interested.

Prayer handouts are provided.

Obligatory Holy Days:

See Bulletin for Details.              

Go to Bulletin Menu tab above.

Readings: View this week's readings by clicking            .

Recordings: View previously recorded masses                                         by clicking            .



3:15pm - 3:45pm Saturdays at St. Joseph's,

or by appointment with Fr. Simon

Email Fr. Simon at:

Pray the Holy Rosary Together:

          Come and join us!

Sunday 7:00 pm at St. Paul's

Rosaries and prayer guides are available.

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Interested in becoming a member of our parish?

Click             for our parish registration form.

Receive Parish Emails - Sign Up Today! 

Stay informed on all parish events by receiving weekly email updates and special notices, also called Flocknotes, just by filling out the form attached 

How to Donate to Our Parish

Give to the weekly collections at Mass, called the Parish Offertory.

Mail a check to the Parish Office.

Sign up for the eGiving program.

  • Our eGiving option provides you with the opportunity to make a secure onetime donation. Or, you can set up recurring donations at a frequency of your choice. 

    • Note this can be changed or cancelled at any time.



Click                 for the eGiving form.


Click                 for the eGiving intructions.

For More Information on How To Donate,

please go to the Menu tab above labeled

Parish Organization & Administration, and select

Stewardship, Finance & Donating from the drop down list.

The Holy Rosary: Did You Know?

 · The Holy Rosary is one of the most cherished prayers of our Catholic Church! 

 · The opportunity for our parishioners to gather together to pray the rosary takes place every Sunday at 7 pm at St. Paul’s in Rock City Falls!

 · ALL parishioners are invited and encouraged to join!

· Rosaries and prayer guides are available!

 · There is always someone there to show you how to say the rosary, if you arrive a little early!

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