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Our Parish Offers 2 Food Pantry Locations

Greenfield Pantry Location:

Greenfield Community Center

25 Wilton Road 

Greenfield Center

Open: Wednesdays 1:30 - 3:30 P.M.

If you have any questions about the food pantry, contact the Parish Office by phone or email. See contact information at the bottom of this page.

Rock City Falls ECHO Pantry Location:

St. Paul's Church

771 Route 29

Rock City Falls, NY

Open: Tuesdays 9:00 - 11:30 A.M.

If you have any questions about the food pantry, contact the Parish Office by phone or email. See contact information at the bottom of this page.

Thank You!

Thank you to all who have donated to our two local food pantries.

Your generosity is always appreciated.

We could not continue to help those in need without your continued support!

The Greenfield Food Pantry has been sponsored by our parish for the past eighteen years and utilizes the services of many hard working and devoted volunteers. 


Our purpose is to help feed the less fortunate families in the town of Greenfield.

Many of our clients are elderly, but we also have families who have fallen on hard times. Our client list is 120 families, but not all come every month.

We also provide families with food baskets and turkeys at Thanksgiving time.


Location: We are located in the Greenfield Community Center,

at 25 Wilton Rd. in Greenfield Center.

Our hours are 1:30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. every Wednesday. 



We depend upon donations from people in the community, as well as wonderful local organizations.

In the past year the Baptist Church of Greenfield has joined us by volunteering to work at the pantry. They also donated a small freezer to be used in the Pantry, and they continue to donate food.


Anyone who would like to donate can leave food inside the church hall or at the Community Center. As the need continues, we hope so will the generosity of individuals and organizations.


The Greenfield Food Pantry coordinator is Patty Schwartzbeck.

We can always use: spaghetti sauce, pasta, canned meat products (ravioli, hash, etc.), cereal, coffee, and canned veggies and fruit.


Other non-perishables are always welcome.


Monetary donations are also helpful as some things need to be purchased regularly.  Envelopes are on the bulletin board at St. Joseph's and on the table at the church entrance at St. Paul's, for these donations.


The pantry is always in need of your items!  Please drop off an item or two in the containers located at either church entrance. 

The ECHO Food Pantry purpose is to help feed those in need, individuals and families, in the towns of Milton, Rock City Falls and our neighbors. We are a ‘choice pantry,’ which means that clients can choose their items. About 40 families are serviced each month. ECHO also gives food baskets or gift cards at Christmas time. You can get an application at the Food Pantry in November each year.


Location: The Food Pantry is physically located at St. Paul's church, at the back entrance of the church hall, at 771 Route 29, in Rock City Falls.

Our hours are 9am - 11:30am every Tuesday.


Donations & How it works: Food is purchased through the Regional Food Bank of NE New York at very discounted prices, and donations of non-perishable food and money are accepted from the community and local organizations. Anyone who would like to donate can leave non-perishable food inside the church vestibule.

We are staffed by volunteers from the members of ECHO, Ecumenical Community Helping Others. If you would like to volunteer, contact Tony Zanella at St. Paul’s.


Why is it called the ECHO Food Pantry?

ECHO stands for the Ecumenical Community Helping Others, and it sponsors the Food Pantry. The current ECHO members are as follows:

St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church and the parish of St. Joseph, Old Stone Baptist Church, Middle Grove United Methodist Church, Simpson United Methodist Church, Milton Grange #685, Milton Eagles Volunteer Fire Dept. and its auxillary.

ECHO also coordinates an Ecumenical Service at Thanksgiving time, held for all people of the sponsoring members. A brief prayer service is held, followed by a pot luck supper and fellowship. Donations of non-perishable food or money are also collected at that time. The location of the event rotates each year between Stone Church, Simpson United Methodist Church and St. Paul’s.


The ECHO Food Pantry Origin

In November of 1994 a group of people got together at the old Stone Church in the town of Milton, NY, to talk about forming a community group to help other people. The participating members at that time were from Stone Church, St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Simpson Methodist, Middle Grove Methodist, Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Milton, Milton Eagles Volunteer Fire Department and their auxillary, and the Milton Grange.

The Reverend Chris Mickel of Simpson Methodist was one of the founding members and was the coordinator of community events then with the purpose of helping to keep all participants better informed of the activities in each group.

The Food Pantry was formed from this group. The food pantry was established with the physical location of the pantry set at St. Paul’s church, all money was to be handled by Stone Church, and Simpson Methodist was responsible for all correspondence.

Originally, Helena Clements from Stone Church was in charge of the Food Pantry until her passing in late 1994. At that time,

Tony Zanella of St. Paul’s took over as the coordinator.

Contact Our Parish

Office: 518-893-7680




Mailing Address:

3159 Route 9N

P.O. Box 547

Greenfield Center, NY 12833


The Parish Rectory







Note: The Parish Office is located in the Rectory,

which is the brown house to the right of St. Joseph's church on Route 9N.

The Rectory entrance is in the back.

Rectory photo from old site copies 12-27-2021.jfif
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Our Church Locations:


St. Joseph's Church located at:

3159 Route 9N, Greenfield Center

NY 12833







St. Paul's Church located at:

771 Route 29, Rock City Falls

NY 12863

St Paul's  color cropped recd 11-4-2021.jpg
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