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 Parish Life Team

Our mission is to serve God and to welcome all people to God's love.

St. Joseph’s and St. Paul’s Parish continues to be proactive in developing and nurturing a warm, inviting, and welcoming parish culture.


The Parish Life Team is comprised of representatives from numerous ministries across the parish to collaborate, share ideas, and implement these initiatives.


Foundational topics and team focuses include:


¨ Simplify “evangelization” – it is an invitation and opportunity to share our joy and love of knowing Christ with others


¨ Greeters, Ushers, and Hospitality Ministers make up the core of the Parish Life Team, but all parishioners play an active role and contribute


¨ Personal invitations play a key role in encouraging others into a relationship with Christ and subsequently into our church and into a ministry


¨ Increased collaboration with other area Catholic churches


¨ Sharing our ministries with others is key to the growth of our church


¨ Collaboration and brain storming is key, especially ways to reach those not worshipping with us


¨ Evangelization is everyone’s job


¨ Evangelize in your own style


¨ Importance of regular hospitality to provide socializing opportunity


¨ Faith formation and parent involvement is key to the family unit’s faith journey


¨ Importance of Adult Faith Formation


¨ The power of prayer; the importance of Adoration


 If you have any questions, or you have an interest in the Parish Life Team, contact Tom Cronin through  the Parish Office phone or email. See below.

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