January 30, 2022
Important News!
Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger is Visiting
our Parish Community!
When: Saturday, Feb. 12th & Sunday, Feb. 13th
Please join us to Welcome the Bishop to our Parish.
Come to mass and stay for Hospitality & Conversations!
Or, join us for Hospitality after mass.
Times: Saturday, February 12th - 4pm Mass & Hospitality
Sunday, February 13th - 11am Mass & Hospitality
We hope to see you there!
St. Joseph's Parish
A Catholic Community

Respect Life Ministry
The Respect Life Ministry advocates for all Life Issues,
especially the Right to Life from conception to natural death.
We promote the teachings of the Catholic Church on the Life Issues,
and invite all to embrace God’s gift of Life.
For more information contact the Respect Life Ministry Coordinator:
Rebecca Cronin
Phone: 518-893-0306, Email: rebecca.cronin@rcda.org
Sunday, October 1st is Respect life Sunday
~ October is Respect Life Month ~
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops USCCB states:
Every October, we consider more deeply why every human life is valuable
and reflect on how to build a culture that protects life
from conception to natural death.
Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, it is crucial that we continue to mourn the millions of lives lost to abortion, and repent of the national sin of abortion, even as we begin the project of extending legal protection to unborn children in every state we can.