January 30, 2022
Important News!
Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger is Visiting
our Parish Community!
When: Saturday, Feb. 12th & Sunday, Feb. 13th
Please join us to Welcome the Bishop to our Parish.
Come to mass and stay for Hospitality & Conversations!
Or, join us for Hospitality after mass.
Times: Saturday, February 12th - 4pm Mass & Hospitality
Sunday, February 13th - 11am Mass & Hospitality
We hope to see you there!
St. Joseph's Parish
A Catholic Community

​St. Joseph's Parish * What's New in 2024
Picnic is on September 21st
Sign-up Today
Note: You can sign-up by emailing your information to the Parish Office at: StJosephsChurchGreenfieldCenter.org

Note: You can also sign-up RIGHT NOW
by emailing your information to the Parish Office at: StJosephsChurchGreenfieldCenter.org

March 16th
Our Parish Dinner on Saturday, March 16th,
Thank you to all the volunteers who made it possible including: planners, shoppers, hall set-up & decorators, parishioner chefs that prepared delicious dishes to share, greeters, servers, kitchen workers, and so many that stayed to help clean up and restore the hall for mass!
Our Parish is truly Blessed!

February 21st