January 30, 2022
Important News!
Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger is Visiting
our Parish Community!
When: Saturday, Feb. 12th & Sunday, Feb. 13th
Please join us to Welcome the Bishop to our Parish.
Come to mass and stay for Hospitality & Conversations!
Or, join us for Hospitality after mass.
Times: Saturday, February 12th - 4pm Mass & Hospitality
Sunday, February 13th - 11am Mass & Hospitality
We hope to see you there!
St. Joseph's Parish
A Catholic Community
2022 St. Joseph's Parish Events
October 15 & 16, 2022
New Mass Times Begininng
January 1, 2023:
Saturday, 4:00 pm, St. Joseph’s Greenfield Center
Sunday, 8:30 am, Holy Mother and Child Corinth
Sunday, 10:30 am, St Joseph's Greenfield Center
Saturday, 12:30 pm, St. Paul's Rock City Falls
October 21, 2022
October 1, 2022
SEE 10/15-16
January 1, 2023
UPDATE: The Pastoral Council is looking for your input NOW.
Proposed Mass Schedule Changes
Would Start January 2023
The potential new Mass schedule under consideration is:
· Saturday, 4:00PM, St. Paul's Rock City Falls
· Sunday, 9:00AM, Holy Mother and Child Corinth
· Sunday, 10:30AM, St Joseph's Greenfield Center
A note from the Pastoral Council: “To allow parishioners adequate time to complete the surveys and return them for review, the discussion regarding our potential path forward with Mass time changes has been shifted to Sunday, October 30th, following the 11:00 AM Mass.”
*There is no open discussion on 10/2, after the 11am mass.
Please - Read the Proposal, take the Survey,
and Return it prior to the 10/30 open discussion.
Where to get the Proposal letter and Survey:
Printed copies are available in the churches at the entrances.
They are available on our parish website BELOW in the September 17th section.
Check your emails for a 9-16-2022 email to Parishioners from: St. Joseph’s – St. Paul’s Parish News
How to return the completed Survey:
Place printed copies in the collection basket, mail to the parish office, hand to a Pastoral Council member or to Fr. Simon.
Surveys completed online using the link in the email sent or our website are immediately submitted as each question is answered.
September 17, 2022
Proposed Mass Schedule Changes
Would Start January 2023
< Read the Proposal below and take the Survey by clicking on the tab>
The Pastoral Council's proposal for Mass Schedule Changes went out
in a Parish-wide email to all Parishioners on Friday, September 16th.
Note: A survey was included with proposal, giving parishioners the opportunity ​to participate in this process of deliberation and
exchange of ideas.
Printed copies of the letter and the survey were made available last
weekend in the churches placed next to the bulletins, and are
available again this weekend.
Contact the Parish Office (see bottom of this page) to sign up if you are not
receiving regular weekly emails and special announcement emails from:​
St. Joseph's - St. Paul's Parish News.
The Pastoral Council's letter to the Parish
Dear Parishioners,
Thank you for worshipping with our parish community! We thank you for choosing
St. Paul's, St. Joseph's and Holy Mother and Child.
In January 2022, the current Mass schedule was created with the directive of the diocese in response to Father Simon's additional responsibilities. We are witness to its impacts and have started a process to update the Mass schedule. We anticipate enacting these changes in January 2023. [See the 'What's New' entry below dated January 9, 2022 for current Mass schedule.]
First and foremost, we are concerned for Father Simon's safety as winter approaches. The current schedule is not safe for Father Simon on potentially icy roads. A change in schedule will also benefit parishioners with the opportunity for more time and interaction with Father Simon. In addition, Mass attendance has been affected by COVID and by the schedule changes made earlier this year. Our hope is that an open, thoughtful, and prayerfully considered process will put us on a path of change that will be beneficial for all of us.
The potential new Mass schedule under consideration is:
Saturday, 4:00PM, St. Paul's Rock City Falls
Sunday, 9:00AM, Holy Mother and Child Corinth
Sunday, 10:30AM, St Joseph's Greenfield Center
There are opportunities for parishioners to participate in this process of deliberation and exchange of ideas.
Please engage any Pastoral Council member to ask questions or express concerns. The current Pastoral Council Members are Lida Varone, Anthony Mamone, Charlene Gilbert, Valerie Reside, Tony Zanella, Monica Berrios-McKeon, Katie Cronin, and Allison Murphy.
Please participate in the survey regarding mass schedule changes that follows this letter.
Please join us on 10/2 after the 11:00 Mass at St. Joseph's for open discussion.
Next steps will be discussed at the November Pastoral Council meeting. We know that where and when someone attends Mass can be a choice based on location, personal preference, or schedule. Changes to routine can also be uncomfortable. Let us remember that Mass is about the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ and a time to worship and praise God. Let us pray for God's grace to find the best path forward. Also, wherever you attend Mass and you put your offering in an envelope, it will be brought to your Church of registration for tax purpose and accountability.
Please find the survey about the Mass schedule below.
For those without email, paper copies of his letter and the survey will be available at the church entrances, in the bulletin (9/25) and on the parish website at:
Yours in Jesus Christ,
Pastoral Council
SEE 10/15-16
January 1, 2023
August 2022
NEW: The Respect Life Ministry
The Respect Life Ministry advocates for all Life Issues,
especially the Right to Life from conception to natural death.
We promote the teachings of the Catholic Church on the Life Issues,
and invite all to embrace God’s gift of Life.
Go to the Respect Life Ministry tab above to see all the latest events in our Diocese in support of Life.
June 2022
NEW: The Lazarus Ministry and Support Group
We are starting a new ministry called the Lazarus Ministry/Support Group. Parishioners who participate in this ministry will help to assist families
that have lost a loved one, and assist the parish with the funeral services.
There will be training provided for all volunteers to this new ministry. With the help of volunteers from other parishes who have such a ministry, we will teach you how to assist families, lead prayers at wake services, and to help set up the Church for a funeral Mass/services.
Death is something that will touch each and every one of us at some point. As the Church teaches us, one of the Corporal works of mercy is to bury the dead.
Please consider volunteering to be a part of this very special ministry.
The sign-up sheets are located at the church entrances.
* If you have any interest in finding out more, reach out to Fr. Simon. *
June 2022
Good Bye and Thank You, Deacon John Barone
In case you missed it, Deacon John announced at all the masses on May 28th and 29th,
that he would be retiring and leaving our Parish as deacon, effective June 17, 2022.
Special Hospitalities were held in his honor after the Sunday masses on June 12th.
History: John first came to our parish with his family the summer of 2016. He shared with Fr. Simon that he was a deacon and Father invited him to help out the next time he came to mass. Officially he became our deacon in December 2016. In January 2018, he became our Associate for Pastoral Administration when Fr. Simon became our Parish Administrator. Some of his many roles have included Liturgical Coordinator, Baptism coordinator, visiting sick parishioners, and providing us the opportunity for monthly Adoration. He has also become a part of our community participating in ministries like the Men’s group, and joining the Buildings & Grounds crew where he has raked lawns, mowed, helped remodel bathrooms, and could always be counted on to bring the donuts!
A Note From Deacon John in our bulletin on July 2nd and 3rd, 2022
To my Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
I want to express my heart felt feelings for the generous gifts and beautiful retirement party that was given to me at my last mass as your Deacon. I was overwhelmed with your expression of love for me and my family.
It has been an honor and a privilege to share your
individual journeys in faith and I hope that my presence has helped you become more aware of the gifts that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has bestowed on you.
I would also like to express my gratitude for the leadership and guidance that Father Simon has shared with me for the last 4 ½ years.
I wish you all peace, good health and happiness.
Always in my prayers, Deacon John
February 12th
and 13th
Thank You
Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger for Visiting our Parish Community!
Saturday, Feb. 12th & Sunday, Feb. 13th
February 11, 2022
COVID-19 Update: February 11, 2022
at all masses & indoor events until further notice.
Dear Parishioner,
As you may be aware, the Governor of New York has ended the mask mandate for all indoor gatherings. This took effect on February 10, 2022.
In keeping with this expiration of the mask mandate in New York State, the Diocese of Albany will no longer mandate that masks be worn in diocesan churches and offices,
effective February 10, 2022.
However, the diocese encourages Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion to continue to wear a mask during the distribution of Communion.
On that note too, any parishioner who feels like wearing a mask is encouraged to do so, either because of compromised immune system or any other medical condition.
We will continue to bring up the gifts at Mass after the collection. This will include just the ciborium, the book of prayer intentions, and the collection basket.
May God bless you all for your patience and understanding during this challenging times.
Fr. Simon
January 9, 2022
Announcement: Change in Mass Times Starting Sunday, 1-16-2022
Fr. Simon announced this at all masses on Saturday, January 8th and Sunday, January 9th.
Fr. Simon's Announement went out in an email to all Parishioners on Sunday, January 8th.
Contact the Parish Office (see bottom of this page) to sign up if you are not receiving regular weekly emails and special announcement emails from:​
St. Joseph's - St. Paul's Parish News
Fr. Simon's Letter to the Parish
Dear Parishioner,
I want to begin by wishing you a Happy New Year and God’s choicest blessings in the coming months of the year.
As you are already aware, I have been appointed by the Bishop to oversee both our parish, St Joseph’s Greenfield Center, St Paul’s Rock City Falls, and also Holy Mother and Child parish Corinth/Lake Luzerne.
It is not going to be an easy pastoral task and will challenge all of us. I hope it will bring out the best in us as Catholics and followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Among the changes that will make it possible for this pastoral work to be achieved is changes in our current Mass schedule.
Beginning from next weekend January 16th, our 8:30am Mass at St Paul’s will now be at 8:00am every Sunday. Our 10:30am Mass at St Joseph’s will now be at 11:00am. The 4:00pm Mass on Saturday will remain as it is. Mass in Corinth will move from 9:00am to 9:30am every Sunday.
This means that every Saturday at 4:00pm there will be Mass at St Joseph’s Greenfield Center.
Every Sunday, there will be 8:00am Mass at St Paul’s Rock City Falls.
Every Sunday there will be 11:00am Mass at St Joseph’s Greenfield Center.
Every Sunday, there will be 9:30am Mass and 11:00am Mass at Holy Mother & Child Corinth.
I know it is challenging, but with God’s grace it is something we can do.
May God bless us all as we soldier on this journey to the Heavenly Jerusalem.
Fr. Simon