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2023 St. Joseph's Parish Events

December 8th

Holy Day of Obligation

November 23rd

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November 11th

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We gathered together as a Parish Family for a

Wonderful Turkey Dinner with over 130 in attendance!


Our evening was filled with music, conversations, laughter,

an abundance of Thanksgiving food and desserts,

and many raffles and a door prize! 


Our dinner was held on November 11th, Veteran's Day, 

and we recognized and honored all Veterans present.







  • Our U.S. Flag was brought out front and center.

  • Fr. Simon prayed a special blessing for the Veterans.

  • He gave them each a blessed St. Michael the Archangel prayer card and medal, from the Parish. 

  • Fr. Simon led us as we all said the Pledge of Allegiance.

  • We all then sang our National Anthem!

  • We then held a special Veterans raffle of 4 donated prizes.


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September 23rd

We all had fun with our Parish Family!

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9/11 A National Day of Remembrance

Join us for mass

August 13, 2023 

Farewell to Music Director Mandy

August 13, 2023, after the 12:30 Mass at St. Paul's




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Mandy leading us in song at her last Sunday mass for our Parish at St. Paul's.

Fr. Simon speaking about Mandy's service CROP 1 - 8-13-2023

Fr. Simon speaking about Mandy's dedication to our Parish as our Music Director!

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Fr. Simon presents Mandy with a gift of thanks from the Parish!

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Parishioners gathered to Thank Mandy for her dedication and beautiful music ministry.

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A very special 'music themed' cake and cupcakes for a very special young woman!

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Special Thanks to Mandy from the picnic planners!


The 'picnic' continues!

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We celebrated Mandy with an indoor picnic lunch in her honor!

June 11, 2023

& Continues Today 

Ministry Fair

Was held on June 11, 2023, after the 10:30am Mass

at St. Joseph's

Did you know . . . .

You can SIGN-UP AT ANY TIME to help!

Just Print & Fill Out the form attached HERE

or contact the Parish Office!


Do you have a talent that could help others, or an interest that is calling you to join? Do you have just a little time here and there, that you could spend helping others? 

We’re hoping that you will consider signing up for a ministry, after learning about all the opportunities there are in our Parish to help eachother and others.




    Come to the FAIR and talk to the people who currently help the ministry you may be interested in! Ask questions and find out more!


2) Ministry Directory Handbook - Attached HERE

    Starting this weekend, on Saturday 5/20 and Sunday 5/21, we will be handing out the Ministry Directory Handbooks after all the Masses.

    Handbooks will continue to be available at church entrances through June 11th!

    The purpose of these booklets is to assist you, our parishioners, by providing some information about many of the ministries at our Parish.  


3) Request More Information

    Parishioners can sign-up now to get additional information from the ministry chair person by using the form found on the back page of the booklet. The form can either be placed in the collection basket, or mailed in.  Form attached HERE too! Just print, complete and submit.


SIGN-UP AT ANY TIME - Print & Fill Out the form attached HERE

Contact Our Parish

Office: 518-893-7680




Mailing Address:

3159 Route 9N

P.O. Box 547

Greenfield Center, NY 12833


The Parish Rectory







Note: The Parish Office is located in the Rectory,

which is the brown house to the right of St. Joseph's church on Route 9N.

The Rectory entrance is in the back.

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Our Church Locations:


St. Joseph's Church located at:

3159 Route 9N, Greenfield Center

NY 12833







St. Paul's Church located at:

771 Route 29, Rock City Falls

NY 12863

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©2021 by St. Joseph's Parish. Proudly created with

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